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BIAL Foundation
Selection Description
Type Title Begin End
File032 - Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance1999-012000-09

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-032
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/1998
032 - Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance
Duration: 1999-01 - 2000-09
Edwin May
Institution(s): Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Palo Alto (USA)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Language: eng
Related objects:
Author: May, E.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Anomalous cognition/experiences

DocumentFinal report - Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance2000

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-032
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/1998
032 - Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance
Duration: 1999-01 - 2000-09
Edwin May
Institution(s): Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Palo Alto (USA)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Language: eng
Related objects:
Author: May, E.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Anomalous cognition/experiences

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-032.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/1998
Final report - Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance
Publication year: 2000
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
The main goal of this experiment was to see if an earlier laboratory anecdote could be confirmed with a naïve population of subjects. That is, a high percentage of LFR’s experienced remote viewers scored 6 or above on the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale (SHSS).
One hundred students from a Budapest, Hungary, “new age” college participated in the study. A random half were measured by hypnotic techniques for their SHSS scores before participating in the anomalous cognition (AC) part of the study. The remaining half of the students were measured on the SHSS after their AC participation. Each subject was asked to contribute four AC trials at a rate of approximately one per week.
By rank-order assessment, we found little AC in this population. We observed a mean rank (n=400 trials) of 2.998 corresponding to an effect size of 0.002 (p = 0.482). There was weak support for some of the students (i.e., 34) who produced possible evidence for AC (i.e., ES 0.38) where 30 would be expected (p = 0.22).
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Related objects:
Notes: This report pertains to two files (32/98 and 34/98)
Author: May, E.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Parapsychology / Hypnosis / Anomalous cognition / Entropy

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Novo ficheiro

File020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas1999-012001-03

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

DocumentFinal report - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas2001

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
Final report - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Publication year: 2001
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
The purpose of our study was to provide answers to the following questions:
1) Do sessions of psychotherapy with an emotional content have more hormonal surges than relaxation-only sessions?
2) Are surges of different hormones associated?
3) Are hormonal responses related to the intensity, type, or mode of expression of the emotions?
Methods: Thirteen volunteers and 12 patients with minor emotional difficulties were studied under hypnosis. There were two types of sessions - "blank and "free associations” (FA).
Results: Sessions of FA had more hormonal surges than "blank". This was true for cortisol (8/17 v.3/24; p < 0.03), prolactin (PRL) (7/17 v. 3/24; p < 0.05) and growth hormone (GH) (9/17 v. 4/24; p < 0.02). During the 55 sessions of FA there were 32 surges of cortisol, 18 of PRL and 28 of GH. Cortisol and PRL surges were negatively correlated (p < 0.03). GH was not associated with either cortisol or PRL. Intense emotions were associated with GH surges (p < 0.05). but not with cortisol or PRL. Cortisol surges were correlated positively with evocations of real events (p<0.01) and with the unexpected re-enacting of long-forgotten traumatic experiences (p< 0.02). PRL correlated with memories of humiliating experiences (p<0.07).
Conclusions: Cortisol, PRL and GH respond to psychological stress in humans. Cortisol and PRL surges are alternative responses to specific emotions. Neither relates to the intensity of the evoked emotion. Cortisol surges occur when a connection between the emotion and its cognitive component is established. Prolactin surges may be adaptive to unavoidable suffering. GH surges depend on the intensity of the emotion, probably as a consequence of the associated muscular activity.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Sobrinho, L. G.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Relatório final- Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas

Relatório final- Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas

DocumentRespostas hormonais e neurovegetativas durante estados modificados de consciência1999

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020.02
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
Respostas hormonais e neurovegetativas durante estados modificados de consciência
Publication year: 1999
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Sobrinho, L. G., Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., & Barbosa, L. (1999). Respostas hormonais e neurovegetativas durante estados modificados de consciência. Revista Portuguesa de Psicosomática, 1(1), 53-62.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

DocumentCortisol, prolactin and growth hormone responses to emotions elicited during an hypnoidal state2003

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020.03
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
Cortisol, prolactin and growth hormone responses to emotions elicited during an hypnoidal state
Publication year: 2003
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
The present study describes the responses of cortisol, prolactin and growth hormone (GH) to emotions elicited during sessions in which an hypnoidal state was induced. The purpose of the study was to provide answers for the following questions: 1) Do sessions with an emotional content have more hormonal surges than baseline, relaxation-only, sessions? 2) Does the induction of a fantasy of pregnancy and nursing elicit a prolactin response? 3) Are there any associations between surges of different hormones? 4) Are hormonal responses related to the intensity, type, or mode of expression of the emotions? For this purpose, thirteen volunteers and twelve patients with minor emotional difficulties were studied during sessions under hypnosis. The period of observation lasted for about three hours. Heart rate (HR), skin conductance (SC) and vagal tone (VT) were monitored. Serum cortisol, prolactin and growth hormone were sampled every 15 minutes. The volunteers had three types of sessions— “blank”, consisting of relaxation only (12 sessions), “breast feeding”, in which a fantasy of pregnancy and breast feeding was induced (12 sessions) and “free associations” in which the subjects were encouraged to evoke experiences or feelings (17 sessions). The patients had only sessions of free associations (38 sessions). Sessions of free associations had more hormonal surges than “blank” and “breast feeding” sessions. This was true for cortisol (8/17 v.3/24; p < 0.03), prolactin (7/17 v. 3/24; p < 0.05) and GH (9/17 v. 4/24; p < 0.02). During the 55 sessions of free associations (volunteers plus patients) there were 32 surges of cortisol, 18 of prolactin and 28 of GH. Cortisol and prolactin surges were negatively correlated (p < 0.03). GH had no significant association with either cortisol or prolactin. Visible emotions were positively associated with GH surges (p < 0.05). but not with cortisol or prolactin. Cortisol surges were correlated positively with evocations of real events (p < 0.01) and negatively with evocations containing defensive elements (p < 0.01). Cortisol correlated positively with shock and intimidation (p < 0.02) and negatively with rage (p < 0.04). The AUC of the cortisol peaks during shock and intimidation was significantly higher than that of the pool of all other cortisol peaks (12.4 µmol.min.l-1 v. 7.1 µmol.min.l-1; p < 0.005). Rage had a marginally significant positive association with prolactin surges (p=0.07). The distribution of GH surges did not show any significant association with types of emotions.
The present study provides evidence that cortisol, prolactin and GH respond to psychological stress in humans. However, they are regulated differently from one another. Cortisol and prolactin surges appear to be alternative forms of response to specific emotions. GH surges depend on the intensity of the emotion, probably as a consequence of the associated muscular activity. The current paradigm of stress, implying corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) as the initial step of a cascade of events, is insufficient to account for the diversity of hormonal changes observed in psychological stress in humans.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F., Pratas, S., Fernandes, P., Santos, M. A.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Sobrinho, L. G., Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F., Pratas, S., Fernandes, P., Santos, M. A. (2003). Cortisol, prolactin and growth hormone responses to emotions elicited during an hypnoidal state. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 28(1), 1-17.
2-year Impact Factor: 3.732|2003
Times cited: 17|2024-02-05
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Cortisol / Growth hormone / Hypnosis / Prolactin / Psychological stress / Vagal tone / Endocrinology

Cortisol, prolactin and growth hormone responses to emotions elicited during an hypnoidal state

Cortisol, prolactin and growth hormone responses to emotions elicited during an hypnoidal state

DocumentAlterações hormonais e neurofisiológicas durante vivências induzidas em estados modificados de consciência2000

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020.04
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
Alterações hormonais e neurofisiológicas durante vivências induzidas em estados modificados de consciência
Publication year: 2000
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F.
Colectiv.Secondary author(s):
Fernandes, P.. Pratas, S.
Document type:
Conference paper
Number of reproductions:
Sobrinho, L. G., Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F., Fernandes, P., & Pratas, S. (2001). Alterações hormonais e neurofisiológicas durante vivências induzidas em estados modificados de consciência. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of Fundação Bial (pp. 209-230). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Alterações hormonais e neurofisiológicas durante vivências induzidas em estados modificados de consciência

Alterações hormonais e neurofisiológicas durante vivências induzidas em estados modificados de consciência

DocumentHormonal responses to emotions elicited during a hypnoidal state2002

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020.05
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
Hormonal responses to emotions elicited during a hypnoidal state
Publication year: 2002
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simoes, M. R., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Sobrinho, L. G., Simoes, M. R., Barbosa, L., & Fernandes, P. (2002). Hormonal responses to emotions elicited during a hypnoidal state. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 52(5), 341-342.
Indexed document: Yes
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Emotion

DocumentInteracción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias anómalo/paranormales2006

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-009
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/2000
009 - Psychological, phenomenological and parapsychological evaluation of the anomalous/paranormal detection using objects-target utilizing specially selected subjects
Duration: 2001-02 - 2003-02
Alejandro Enrique Parra, Juan Carlos Argibay
Institution(s): Instituto de Psicologia Paranormal, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Published proceedings
Language: eng
Related objects:
Author: Parra, A.
Secondary author(s):
Argibay, J. C.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Extrasensory perception (ESP) / Psychometry / Paranormal belief / Personality factors

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-009.08
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 3/2000
Interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias anómalo/paranormales
Publication year: 2006
There are reliable statistical relationships between hypnotic susceptibility, psychological dissociation, and paranormal experiences. We hypothesized that subjects with greatest hypnotic susceptibility would report the most paranormal experiences. Similarly, we expected that persons with the most dissociative experiences would report the most paranormal experiences. We also hoped to find interactions between hypnotic susceptibility and dissociation with paranormal experiences. We administered the Anomalous Experiences Inventory (AEI), the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and the Harvard Group Scale (HGS) of hypnotic susceptibility to 67 subjects (73.1% female, 26.9% male), believers in a variety of paranormal events and motivated by their own experiences. A factor analysis showed an interaction between hypnotic susceptibility and dissociation. In subjects with little hypnotic susceptibility we found that dissociation strongly favored paranormal experiences. However, for those subjects scoring medium and medium-high on hypnotic susceptibility, the effect of dissociation was lost. In highly susceptible subjects, the effect was even reversed. Subjects scoring low and medium-low on dissociation but high on hypnotic susceptibility reported more paranormal experiences (r= .458). Subjects scoring high or medium-high on dissociation but high on hypnotic susceptibility reported fewer paranormal experiences (r= .358).
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Parra, A.
Secondary author(s):
Argibay, J. C.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Parra, A., & Argibay, J. C. (2006). Interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias anómalo/paranormales. Revista Interamericana de Psicología, 40(2), 233-240.
2-year Impact Factor: N/A
Times cited: N/A
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: N/A
Keywords: Hypnosis / Paranormal experiences / Dissociative patterns

Interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias anómalo/paranormales

Interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias anómalo/paranormales

DocumentAnálisis de interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias paranormales espontáneas2004

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-009
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/2000
009 - Psychological, phenomenological and parapsychological evaluation of the anomalous/paranormal detection using objects-target utilizing specially selected subjects
Duration: 2001-02 - 2003-02
Alejandro Enrique Parra, Juan Carlos Argibay
Institution(s): Instituto de Psicologia Paranormal, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Published proceedings
Language: eng
Related objects:
Author: Parra, A.
Secondary author(s):
Argibay, J. C.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Extrasensory perception (ESP) / Psychometry / Paranormal belief / Personality factors

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-009.09
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 3/2000
Análisis de interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias paranormales espontáneas
Publication year: 2004
Document does not exist in file
Related objects:
Author: Parra, A.
Secondary author(s):
Argibay, J. C.
Document type:
Conference paper
Number of reproductions:
Parra, A., & Argibay, J. C. (2004). Análisis de interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias paranormales espontáneas. In F. E. Silva (Ed.), Segundo Encontro Psi: Refletindo sobre o Futuro da Parapsicología (pp. 97-107). Curitiba, Paraná: Facultades Integradas “Espírita”.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Parapsychology / Psychometry / Hypnosis

DocumentAnálisis de interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias paranormales espontáneas. 2004

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 21/2002
2002 Grants
Start date: 2003-01 - 2009-11
21 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-027
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 3/2002
027 - Anomalous /paranormal detection using psi-reading tests (Phase II): New parapsychological, psychological and neuropsychological exploration data through seven tests with selected/non-selected subjects
Duration: 2003-03 - 2005-01
Alejandro Parra, Juan Carlos Argibay
Institution(s): Instituto de Psicologia Paranormal, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Abstract/Results: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Author: Parra, A.
Secondary author(s):
Argibay, J. C.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Psychometry / Extrasensory perception (ESP)

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-027.12
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 3/2002
Análisis de interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias paranormales espontáneas.
Publication year: 2004
Document does not exist in file
Related objects:
Author: Parra, A.
Secondary author(s):
Argibay, J. C.
Document type:
Conference paper-d
Number of reproductions:
Parra, A., & Argibay, J. C. (2004). Análisis de interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y experiencias disociativas en una población que reporta experiencias paranormales espontáneas. In F. E. Silva (Ed.), Segundo Encontro Psi: Refletindo sobre o Futuro da Parapsicología (pp. 97-107). Curitiba, Paraná: Facultades Integradas “Espírita”.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Hypnosis / Paranormal experiences / Dissociative patterns

File061 - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences2001-012002-03

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-061
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2000
061 - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences
Duration: 2001-01 - 2002-03
John Howard Gruzelier, Graham Jamieson
Institution(s): Imperial College School of Medicine, London (UK)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Final report
Language: eng
Gruzelier, J. H.
Secondary author(s):
Jamieson, G.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Personality factors / Anomalous cognition/experiences / Brain structure and function

DocumentFinal report - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences2002

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-061
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2000
061 - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences
Duration: 2001-01 - 2002-03
John Howard Gruzelier, Graham Jamieson
Institution(s): Imperial College School of Medicine, London (UK)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Final report
Language: eng
Gruzelier, J. H.
Secondary author(s):
Jamieson, G.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Personality factors / Anomalous cognition/experiences / Brain structure and function

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-061.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2000
Final report - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences
Publication year: 2002
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
We examined the relation between hypnotic susceptibility and schizotypal unreality experiences. In the first study (Jamieson & Gruzelier, 2001), of the 15 schizotypy items associated with the Harvard HGSHS, 5 belonged to the unreality scale, 8 to cognitive activation and 2 to withdrawal. In a replication with the cognitively loaded Stanford SSHS, Form C, 9/12 items were associated with unreality and 3 cognitive activation. Of the 9 unreality items 6 concerned extra sensory perception in support of hypotheses. Subsequently students volunteering for stress reduction training were examined with the HGSHS. Here only 2 items involved unreality, 4 activation, while 8 were withdrawn items. Clearly while a relation with schizotypy was a consistent feature of the three studies, relations with unreality depended on the nature of the volunteer sample and on the features of hypnotisability examined, motoric versus cognitive, the latter showing strong relations with extrasensory perception (Gruzelier et al, 2004).
In two experiments mismatch negativity waveform (MMN) was examined for possible influences of hypnosis and susceptibility on early stages of auditory processing. In one experiment hypnotisable participants showed evidence of more efficient processing of attended stimuli while unhypnotisable subjects showed evidence of distraction, in support of theory. In the second experiment MMN increased with hypnosis independent of hypnotisability, while it was only following hypnosis that the groups were differentiated. Our hypothesis that MMN would be altered by hypnosis was not supported (Jamieson et al, 2004).
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Gruzelier, J. H.
Secondary author(s):
Jamieson, G.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Psychophysiology and Parapsychology / Hypnosis / Brain structure and function

Relatório final - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences

Relatório final - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences

DocumentChanges in mismatch negativity across pre-hypnosis, hypnosis and post-hypnosis conditions distinguish high from low hypnotic susceptibility groups2005

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-061
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2000
061 - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences
Duration: 2001-01 - 2002-03
John Howard Gruzelier, Graham Jamieson
Institution(s): Imperial College School of Medicine, London (UK)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Final report
Language: eng
Gruzelier, J. H.
Secondary author(s):
Jamieson, G.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Personality factors / Anomalous cognition/experiences / Brain structure and function

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-061.04
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2000
Changes in mismatch negativity across pre-hypnosis, hypnosis and post-hypnosis conditions distinguish high from low hypnotic susceptibility groups
Publication year: 2005
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
The role of alterations in mismatch negativity (MMN) in hypnosis was examined by recording MMN of the auditory ERP at frontal (F3, Fz, and F4) and mastoid (M1 and M2) placements. Frontal MMN is believed to reflect activity in right anterior cortical generators, whereas MMN at mastoid leads reflects generators located bilaterally in the temporal auditory cortex. MMN recordings were obtained in 11 low and 12 high hypnotically susceptible participants in three successive blocks; pre-hypnosis, hypnosis and post-hypnosis. Frontal (but not temporal) MMN showed a significant quadratic trend across testing conditions. It increased during hypnosis and then dropped post-hypnosis for both susceptibility groups. Linear trends for frontal and temporal MMN showed directly opposite patterns of change in the interaction between hypnotic susceptibility and testing blocks. Frontal MMN built up linearly over the test blocks in high relative to low susceptibility participants. Temporal MMN showed the reverse pattern and increased linearly across test conditions in those with low relative to high hypnotic susceptibility.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Jamieson, G.
Secondary author(s):
Dwivedi, P., Gruzelier, J. H.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Jamieson, G., Dwivedi, P., & Gruzelier, J. H. (2005). Changes in mismatch negativity across pre-hypnosis, hypnosis and post-hypnosis conditions distinguish high from low hypnotic susceptibility groups. Brain Research Bulletin, 67(4), 298-303.
2-year Impact Factor: 2.481|2005
Times cited: 15|2024-02-05
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q2
Keywords: Hypnosis / Hypnotic susceptibility / Mismatch negativity (MMN) / Roving standard / Frontal mismatch negativity (MMN) / Temporal mismatch negativity MMN

Changes in mismatch negativity across prehypnosis, hypnosis and post-hypnosis conditions distinguish high from low hypnotic susceptibility groups

Changes in mismatch negativity across prehypnosis, hypnosis and post-hypnosis conditions distinguish high from low hypnotic susceptibility groups

DocumentNew insights into the nature of hypnotisability2002

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-061
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2000
061 - Changes in mismatch negativity during hypnosis as an indicator of susceptibility to both hypnosis and to paranormal experiences
Duration: 2001-01 - 2002-03
John Howard Gruzelier, Graham Jamieson
Institution(s): Imperial College School of Medicine, London (UK)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Final report
Language: eng
Gruzelier, J. H.
Secondary author(s):
Jamieson, G.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Personality factors / Anomalous cognition/experiences / Brain structure and function

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-061.05
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2000
New insights into the nature of hypnotisability
Publication year: 2002
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Gruzelier, J. H.
Document type:
Conference paper
Number of reproductions:
Gruzelier, J. H. (2002). New insights into the nature of hypnotisability. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Fundação Bial (pp. 275-292). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Parapsychology / Hypnosis / Psi

New insights into the nature of hypnotisability

New insights into the nature of hypnotisability

DocumentPsi and altered states of conciousness2004

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 6/2000
029 - The study of psi-performance in the digital Ganzfeld: Experimentation towards theory development
Duration: 2000-12 - 2002-10
Adrian Parker, Joakim Westerlund, Anneli Persson, Annekatrin Puhle, Annehilt Haller
Institution(s): University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report (2 copies)
Final report (2 copies)
Language: eng
Parker, A.
Secondary author(s):
Westerlund, J., Persson, A., Puhle, A., Haller, A.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Extrasensory perception (ESP) / Assessment tools / Ganzfeld studies

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-029.03
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 6/2000
Psi and altered states of conciousness
Publication year: 2004
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Related objects:
Author: Parker, A.
Document type:
Book chapter
Number of reproductions:
Parker, A. (2004). Psi and altered states of conciousness. In L. Storm & M. A. Thalbourne (Eds.), Parapsychology in the twenty-first century: Essays on the future of psychical research (pp. 65-89). Jefferson, NC: MacFarland.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Parapsychology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Dreams / Ganzfeld

File029 - Psychokinesis and telepathy with hypnotised human2003-062006-02

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 21/2002
2002 Grants
Start date: 2003-01 - 2009-11
21 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 10/2002
029 - Psychokinesis and telepathy with hypnotised human
Duration: 2003-06 - 2006-02
René Peoc'h, Chauvin
Institution(s): Institut International d'Immunologie, Bouguenais (France)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Language: eng
Peoc'h, R.
Secondary author(s):
Chauvin, R.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Extrasensory perception (ESP) / Telepathy / Psychokinesis (PK)

DocumentRespostas neuroendocrinológicas a emoções provocadas sob um estado modificado de consciência2001

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020.06
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
Respostas neuroendocrinológicas a emoções provocadas sob um estado modificado de consciência
Publication year: 2001
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F., Pratas, S., Fernandes, F. L., Correia, I.
Document type:
Conference abstract
Number of reproductions:
Sobrinho, L. G., Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F., Pratas, S., Fernandes, F. L., & Correia, I. (2001). Respostas neuroendocrinológicas a emoções provocadas sob um estado modificado de consciência. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Behind and beyong the brain. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of Fundação Bial (pp. 409-410). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Respostas neuroendocrinológicas a emoções provocadas sob um estado modificado de consciência

Respostas neuroendocrinológicas a emoções provocadas sob um estado modificado de consciência

DocumentHypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance2001

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-032
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/1998
032 - Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance
Duration: 1999-01 - 2000-09
Edwin May
Institution(s): Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Palo Alto (USA)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Language: eng
Related objects:
Author: May, E.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis / Anomalous cognition/experiences

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-032.02
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/1998
Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance
Publication year: 2001
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
May, E.
Secondary author(s):
Bányai, É., Vassy, Z., Faith, L. V.
Document type:
Conference abstract
Number of reproductions:
May, E., Bányai, É., Vassy, Z., & Faith, L. V. (2001). Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Behind and beyong the brain. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of Fundação Bial (p. 417). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Parapsychology / Hypnosis / Anomalous cognition

Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance

Hypnotic susceptibility as a predictor of anomalous cognition performance

DocumentRelation between induced and evoked experiences under altered states of consciousness and neurovegetative and neuroendocrine responses2002

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 11/1998
1998 Grants
Start date: 1999-01 - 2005-12
11 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
020 - Relação entre vivências induzidas e evocadas sob estados modificados de consciência e respostas neurovegetativas e neuroendócrinas
Duration: 1999-01 - 2001-03
Luís Gonçalves Sobrinho, Mário Simões, João Filipe Cancela dos Santos Raposo, Lurdes Barbosa, Pedro Lobo Fernandes
Institution(s): Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
1 Article (2 copies)
Language: por
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Raposo, J. F., Barbosa, L., Fernandes, P.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Psychoneuroimmunology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1998-020.07
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/1998
Relation between induced and evoked experiences under altered states of consciousness and neurovegetative and neuroendocrine responses
Publication year: 2002
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Sobrinho, L. G.
Secondary author(s):
Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F., Pratas, S., Fernandes, P., Correia, I.
Document type:
Conference abstract
Number of reproductions:
Sobrinho, L. G, Simões, M. R., Barbosa, L., Raposo, J. F., Pratas, S., Fernandes, P., Correia, I. (2002). Relation between induced and evoked experiences under altered states of consciousness and neurovegetative and neuroendocrine responses. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Behind and beyong the brain. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Fundação Bial (p. 413). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Endocrinology / Altered states of consciousness / Hypnosis

Relation between induced and evoked experiences under altered states of consciousness and neurovegetative and neuroendocrine responses

Relation between induced and evoked experiences under altered states of consciousness and neurovegetative and neuroendocrine responses